Physical Therapy Burr Ridge, IL

Searching For The “Best Physical Therapy Near Me”?

We are a top-rated physical therapy clinic in Burr Ridge, IL. If you are looking to hire the best Burr Ridge Physical Therapist then look no further than Activa Physical Therapy. Call today at (630) 601-6192.

  • Same Day Appointments
  • Licensed, Insured & Professional
  • Over 10 Years Experience
  • Over 200 5-Star Reviews on Google!

Top Rated Physical Therapists in Burr Ridge, IL

If you’re looking for a Burr Ridge physical therapy therapist, we have the perfect opportunity. Activa Physical Therapy is proud to say that every member of its team has been professionally trained. We can provide dry needling and therapy for any injury or emergency. You can trust our reliable solutions and professional service to ensure that your body is well-maintained.

Our physical therapists are known for creating individualized, personalized treatment plans that fit each individual. They also provide education about how to improve one’s health and prevent future injuries.

Request an Appointment

Personalized Physical Therapy

There are no two people exactly the same. Therefore, injuries can be different even though they may affect the same body part. Our expert medical team will evaluate your condition and create a customized treatment plan that will get you back on track to being your best. Our staff will guide you through each visit with personalized attention and dedication.

Attentive Care

Activa Physical Therapy believes in the healing power manual therapy. We are there to help you recover from injuries, whether it’s joint mobilization, soft-tissue massage and release, or therapist assisted stretching. You shouldn’t be left behind without the care you require. Activa is hands-on!

Hear What our Burr Ridge Patients have to say

I absolutely love coming here! I have a couple of tears in my hip and I was in a lot of pain before coming to Activa. I even thought I might need surgery. Cyril and Activa have changed that thought! The physical therapy has been like magic. I get a lot of “one on one” attention with Cyril and he gives me a lot of exercises to do. All of these exercises have helped immensely. My pain has decreased significantly and I can go about my day feeling good. I can still be active and now know how to take care of/manage the minimal pain I have. Thank you so much.

Connie Sweeney

I was referred to Activa by my doctor after knee replacement. I had never gone to physical therapy before so I did not know what to expect. From the very first visit the staff was very knowledgeable, helpful and kind. I always felt like I was in good hands and they worked with me until I could bend my knee as much as I wanted to-135 degrees instead of the functional 120. I will definitely return after the next knee surgery. My doctor was right-they are good at getting positive results.
